Mary in the French School of Spirituality
By Father David D. Thayer, P.S.S., Ph.D.
Seventeenth-century France saw the application of the new spirit of exploration and analysis to matters of the soul. Pierre de Berulle, John Eudes, Jean-Jacques Olier (Founder of the Society of St. Sulpice) and Mother Madeleine de Saint-Joseph left an indelible mark on the history of Christian Spirituality in the West. Much of our current understanding of “spirituality” has its beginnings with these authors. —Dr. William Thompson
Father David Thayer, P.S.S., Ph.D., is currently on the formation staff at Theological College of The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. He holds a doctorate in Philosophy from Pennsylvania State University. Father.Thayer is also a member of General Administration of the Society of St. Sulpice and is editor of the Bulletin de Saint-Sulpice. He has spoken and published on the French School of Spirituality. Following the lecture was an art exhibit.
Father Peter Gray, P.S.S., Ph.D., Sulpician artist will present his new and original work, “The Presentation of Mary in the Temple,” which will be housed in the newly renovated Chapel at Paca Street. The chapel was dedicated to this Marian feast and it is fitting that a new and classical image of this ancient theological belief be given to this prestigious historical American Catholic site.