The Travel Trunk Project
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NOTE: Delivery of the trunk and transportation funding are available only to schools within the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Each of the three theme-based modules has a narrative, lesson plan, and travel trunk, that contains reproductions of historical documents and artifacts:
Service to Society is exemplified by the lives of Rev. Gabriel Richard, P.S.S., Blessed Rev. Michael J. McGivney, and Cardinal James Gibbons.
Education based in the Teachings of Jesus impelled St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Archbishop Louis William DuBourg, P.S.S., to found Catholic schools.
Racial equality as Children of God as shown in the work of Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange, O.S.P., and Mother Theresa Maxis Duchemin, I.H.M.
Transportation funding is available in the metropolitan area of the Archdiocese of Baltimore for under-served schools to visit the site. On completing the lesson plans and arranging bus transportation, the students will bring the traveling trunk back to Mother Seton’s house. Then they’ll take a guided tour of the historic site.