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Seton Artifact Returns | St. Mary's Paca Street

Seton Artifact Returns (2010)

Ecce Homo

(Behold the Man)

by Murillo

This painting of the Head of Christ and the Lap Trunk are the only two objects in the house that once belonged to Mrs. Seton during the time she lived here on Paca Street.

The painting was believed to have been a gift to Elizabeth from her husband William upon his return from a trip to Europe.

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In 1821, on her death bed, Elizabeth Seton gave the painting to Archbishop Maréchal. It is believed that it was, in turn, given to Mr. Luke Tiernan, a prominent Baltimore businessman, by Archbishop Maréchal for his help in finding employment for William and Richard Seton and as a token of friendship.

Head of Christ

Head of Christ

This painting was a gift to the Sulpician Fathers and the Mother Seton House from Bill and Peter Edelen, both direct descendants of Mr. Luke Tiernan. According to The Tiernan and other Families, published in 1901:

Charles Tiernan always valued very highly among his pictures, an oil painting of the “Head of Christ” . . .

It was said to have been cut out of a larger picture which had been taken from a Church in Spain, during the French occupation of that country, in the Napoleonic wars, and it has this inscription upon the back:

“Bartolomeo Murillo, native de Seviglia
“Presented to the Archbishop, by Madame Seton in her death bed, 1821.”

Left to right, Bill Edelen, Peter R. Edelen, and Fr. John C. Kemper, P.S.S., then director of St. Mary's Spiritual Center and Historic Site

Left to right, Bill Edelen, Peter R. Edelen, and Fr. John C. Kemper, P.S.S., then director of St. Mary’s Spiritual Center and Historic Site